我愛Cebu自由行 其之七 (Cebu Island Hopping)

二零零九年五月十四日 星期四

回到Cebu後抖了一天後,再次出海進行另一次的Island Hopping!
早在香港時已在Internet上跟Nypol用Email連絡 (danreypangs@yahoo.com)
Nypol的新email address: pdanrey@yahoo.com

由Blue Water Resort出發,這間酒店看來也不錯,有個人工小島。

Nypol作導遊, Ryan作Life Guard,媽媽燒飯,船長副船長駕船,還有個打雜的小朋友。
非常開心~左面是Nypol,右面是Ryan :)

第一站是先到Hilutungan Island浮潛~!



水底景色就沒有Bohol的漂亮~ 很多海草。












Very Very Good!


其間有人在島上"Live Band"唱歌...其實他們是過來拿Tips.
如果你不付,他們就一直唱下去...都幾煩,好了好了~Your Tips~




Nypol說可以玩到四時,見還有點時間,便在Olango Island附近再浮潛~


在海底捉到海馬~!硬硬的~ 拍完照當然要放走哦!

還拾到海星~ 真好彩~

這個Island Hopping安排得非常好,大家去Cebu記得要找Nypol呢!
別忘了說是香港的Jackson介紹哦 :)

93 則評論在 我愛Cebu自由行 其之七 (Cebu Island Hopping).

  1. Hi Ko!
    It is grad to hear that you had a nice trip! Thanks for you support to this blog too :) Nypol must be very happy to have a new friend :)
    I am also happy too~


  2. Oh, maybe that is the price he finally quoted. The price I got from 1 years before is 4500P, the price should be adjusted now. If you get more people, the overall cost will be cheaper~ You can decide whether it is cheap or not. But in my opinion it will be a good trip with him base on many traveler review. :)

    May I know 4500peso per head or for a boat (whole day)?? thx


    bzkit 回應:

    As I remember it should be for a boat.


  3. I'm going to Cebu next week, staying at Plantation.

    1. is it far away from where I stay to the place of island hopping?

    2. how can I contact Nypol?

    Thanks thanks


    bzkit 回應:

    Not so close, but it is okay for car distance.
    You can contact Nypol by email pdanrey@yahoo.com. Ask for his number, and buy a local phone card (with sim card) and contact him.


  4. 你好 :) 在網上找到你的blog
    黎緊8 月會到cebu
    想問 Microtel inn 你在哪裡book ga???


    bzkit 回應:



  5. Was recommended to view your blog.  Wonderful.  I am going to Cebu/Bohol coming July with 1-Big & 1 Small kids.  Any good ideas.  My initial plan: Bohol – BBC 2nts and Cebu – Maribago Bluewater 2nts.


    bzkit 回應:

    HI TT,
    Nice to meet you! I think it is fine for BBC 2 nights and Cebu 1 nights. Since you are going with kids, I am not sure how will you handle them with water activities~ but please do take care them.

    Also, I suggest you can find a trusted driver (buy a phone card there and get contact from them), so that you can call them to pick you from hotel to town/spot.

    Have fun :)


  6. hello, jackson.  i keep visiting your blog these few days as your photos are really nice.  i have contacted Nypol for my cebu trip in Aug.  he quoted 2000p per head (11 people in total) but i have no idea about the rate, whether it's reasonable or expensive.  would like mind giving me some opinions regarding the rate?  many thanks!


    bzkit 回應:

    Hi Chiza.
    I am not sure the rate now, but when I go to the trip, it cost me 4500 for 2 people. So it is cheaper than mine "per head". I think it is reasonable, if you think it is expensive, you can try to talk to Nypol and see if he can give you a better rate. :)


  7. 你好 ! Jackson,下個月29號,我將會去cebu, 有無好提意俾我,因我第一次和我屋企人去,包括兩個小朋友,一個5歲,一個3歲。我想book  香格里拉酒店,唔知方唔方便去第度玩,定係book plantation 會比較好,可否問nypol 意見?都想你俾啲意見或行程俾我,多謝!


    bzkit 回應:

    不知你會去多少天,如果有時間可以花兩三天到Bohol那邊玩玩。香格里拉酒店我就不太熟,給不到意見給你~ 不過基本上住哪裡交通都不大方便。最好問問看有沒有當地司機的Contact,由酒店出外時可以方便一點。



  8. 首先多謝你提供既意見.唔好意思,我唔記得話你聽,我哋諗住去四曰三夜,我想問五歲可否玩浮潛?同埋係bohol,係咪住bee farm,可以係邊到訂,網上?或揾nypol幫手?好緊張,因第一次同小朋友自助遊.cebu多商塲行定係bohol?


    bzkit 回應:

    Hi CanCan,
    Beefarm可以上網找找,我都是Send email 去book的。




  9. hi jackson

    we've sent email to Nypol few days ago but he hasnt reply us yet,is there any other way that we can contact him?coz we'r heading to cebu in july



    bzkit 回應:

    No worry, he may just be busy, please wait for some time or send him email again. If you still do not receive in the coming week, please let me know and I can contact him in facebook to ask. :)


  10. I have just finished island hopping at cebu, It a great trip to there, very nice underwater( similiar with maldives), very good BBQ lunch and nice staff. My husband and I join the tour with Nypol also, it cost 5000 peso for 2 persons and no discount on low season, but I think it reasonable because 4 staff serving with us on the day.


    bzkit 回應:

    That is great!  I always like to know people having fun in Cebu! I really dunno whether the rate is cheap or not but to me having a grate trip is already worth, isn't it? :)


  11. Hi Jackson,

    I came across with this page when I searched for cebu info.  Went on 2 day trips with company of Nypol (Island hopping 2000p per person for 4, Bohol city tour 2800p per person for 7) all inclusive.  One of the guide named Danny and I think he knew u. They are very nice guys and the tours went well!!  

    Thanks for your sharings and please keep up with your writings!!  Nypol said hi to you and I took some photos of him and his new shop. Pls send me your email address so I can send u his photos.



    bzkit 回應:

    Hi Frances,

    Wo!! That was great! You can send to bzkit1983@gmail.com


  12. 你好呀, jackson ~ 你d 相片真係好精彩呀~ ^^
    我昨天都剛剛send 了email 俾Nygol, 問他有關island hopping….佢都仲未reply我…搞到我好心急呢~~ ><
    我會12/8-15/8 到cebu, 住mactan 的costabella. plan住13/8同14/8 2日都會去island hopping. 你會suggest 依2日去邊d islands 呢?定係Nygol 佢地會幫我地決定哂的呀??

    另外,你有冇試過係cebu果度book 架的士成日? 想知下d價錢同埋會帶我地去d乜野景點呵~~~ ^^


    bzkit 回應:

    Hi Gi Gi!
    其實到依家我都忘了那些ISLAND的名字了~ 你可以先問問Nypol呢,由他決定也可,你想到的告訴他也可以:)



  13. HI, 想請問你呢個包船TOUR,實價多少,我將會去CEB同BOHOL,想要D船家既資料、價錢,我係新手,好多嘢都唔識,唔該你指教下!你可E-MAIL 比我呀?我既ADDRESS 係 fongfong82@hotmail.com,真係好耐都唔該哂!


    bzkit 回應:

    Cebu的Island Hopping, 你可以真接email問Nypol~ :)
    因為都已經是一年前, 價格可能會有少許不同~ 船定的email可以在文中找到~ 好多朋友都經介紹找他玩, 評價都是正面的 :)

    BOHOL那面比較平, 約2000p 左右包船, 不過就沒lunch.


  14. Hi Jackson,

                  I think a lot of people joined Nypol for Island Hopping after seeing this blog and I have also joined the
    tour last Sunday.  On that day, Nypol had a total of five groups and our family came with Danny on a boat (Nypol must be making a lot of money and thankful to you after your introduction).  Danny is also very friendly and took good care of us all the way.  Though the price might not be the lowest one but we did enjoy the services, the BBQ food and that we needs not to share a boat with stranger.  Overall, a very good trip and we enjoy it very much.



    bzkit 回應:

    Hi Tony,
    It is glad to hear you enjoyed the trip!! Nypol is a really nice guy and he also enjoyed to playing with you guys too. Hope more people enjoying the trip in Cebu :)


  15. Halo Jackson,

    我沉日係你另一頁留過言, 唔該曬你個回覆!

    另外我都搵左Nypol! 佢回我5000p兩個人islang hoppin~ 係咪可以講價架? 我見bohol好似平好多…地方又靚好多呢! 好想去個個Virgin island同睇海豚~~!

    同埋Nypol係咪可以做埋Bohol Daytour的?

    MANY THANKS!! :))


    bzkit 回應:

    Hi Katie,

    Bohol那面一般出海都會平很多的. 我那時也是兩邊也有去~ 試試吧~ 只是他們比較好人 :)

    在Facebook上好像見到他們也有做Day tour不過詳情你可以問問他 ~


  16. Hi, Jackson, if i wanna book island hopping, am i email Nypol directly?


    bzkit 回應:

    Winni: Yes, however I am not sure if he is still working on the business, I help you Facebook him to ask, please like my facebook page, we can keep contact there. Thanks!


  17. Hi Jackson

    I am plan to Bohol in coming CNY, and read your post, i had send the email to danrey with no reply…
    Do you know he is still doing the business?



    cathy 回應:

    Hi Jackson

    I am plan to Bohol in coming CNY, and read your post, i had send the email to danrey with no reply…
    Do you know he is still doing the business?


    my email: breadtree825@hotmail.com


    bzkit 回應:

    Cathy: I think you can contact Nypol Pangatungan in his facebook, please try to contact him, thanks!


    Rosie 回應:



    bzkit 回應:

    ROSIE:SEARCH Nypol Pangatungan

  18. Hi jackson,我從你的網站中睇到nypol 的資料,感謝你的分享,讓我同男友有個開心的旅程,多謝你:)


    bzkit 回應:

    Zoe: Thanks! 已經很久沒人查詢CEBU的資料了~ 玩得開心就好了! :)


  19. Jackson, thanks for your detailed tour description. I have contacted Nypol to do Island hopping next week. Looking forward to having a lot of fun!


    bzkit 回應:

    Thomas: Hope you have a nice trip!! Let me know your trip in FB :)


