我愛Cebu自由行 其之六 (Microtel Inn)

二零零九年五月十三日 星期三

跟Bohol道別,在碼頭附近吃點東西就坐Super Cat回到Cebu的Mactan Island。
在碼頭返酒店前先到SM Mall行行街,補給一下日用品(重點是After Sun Gel…)
SM Mall是Cebu最大商場,再開另文介紹吧。

由SM Mall坐的士到Microtel酒店(基本上只能坐的士作交通工具...)
By Meter也要170P,坐約半小時。




12 則評論在 我愛Cebu自由行 其之六 (Microtel Inn).

  1. 你都几多假期喔, 又可以去叹下世界啦, 好中意甘休闲宁静既地方~


    bzkit 回應:

    其實又不是真的很多假~ 只是正常吧!
    宿霧假期真不錯~ 有機會都去下吧!


  2. Would like to ask if you reserved the room at Microtel Inn at Agoda or through email? Thanks!


    bzkit 回應:

    I reserved the room through other agent website directly.


  3. You pay through credit card at that website for both Microtel Inn and Bohol Beach Club ma?
    As I am concerning the verification of reservation by paying through internet~
    while it seems it's cheaper to reserve room through agent website than reserve at hotel directly…
    look forward n thanks for your reply!


    bzkit 回應:

    I pay through Visa card through Internet for both Microtel and BBC in agent site. :)


  4. 你好, 我見你介紹呢間Microtel Inn 幾好, 想問下房間有無得上網架?  間酒店大堂有無WIFI ?  Thanks.


    bzkit 回應:

    不確定呢! 當時我沒有帶電腦去,你可以上佢地個網Check下~~


  5. hi, 我想問下你呢間酒店係唔係即係Be Resort Mactan?如果係,唔知你有冇酒店電話呢? 因為我零晨機, 想打去問下有冇得早d check in, 但上網點都係搵唔到….麻煩晒~


    bzkit 回應:

    這間是在Mactan那邊~ 好像改了名? 我也不太清楚。但看圖片是同一間。


