Joey Jordison離開了Slipknot以後

二零一三年十二月二十八日 星期六

也許已經是舊閒一則, 但當日知道這個消息後, 如同聽到訃文一樣: 2013年12月13日, Joey Jordison宣布離開Slipknot.
Joey為Slipknot的創團和核心成員, 基本上很多的創作靈感和節奏風格都來自於他.
很少有一隊樂團如果只聽鼓聲便可分辨到那就是某某鼓手, 雖然我不是Joey的粉絲, 但對他離隊的消息真是非常震驚又感到可惜.


To our Maggots and fans around the world, It is with great pain but quiet respect that, for personal reasons, Joey Jordison and Slipknot are parting ways. We all wish Joey the best in whatever his future holds.
We understand that many of you will want to know how and why this has come to be, and we will do our best to respond to these questions in the near future.
It is our love for all of you, as well as for the music we create, that spurs us to continue on and move forward with our plans for releasing new material in the next year. We hope that all of you will come to understand this, and we appreciate your continued support while we plan the next phase of the future of Slipknot.
Thank you, The ‘Knot

雖然目前還不知道他離開的真正原因(都是以個人理由, 但那是什麼? 相信離不開爭執, 金錢和利益吧?).
無論如何他的離開其實對Slipknot有超大影響…有點誇張的說, 沒有了joey, Slipknot可不再是原本的Slipknot了。

現在Joey正在專心新樂團Scar the Martyr還剛發了新的Studio Album,
只是問題出在主音⋯⋯無論如何,日後有機會再評Scar the Martyr吧!

面具時代之後的Joey Jordison形象也大為不同,由本身酷酷的無眉Look變成鬍子大叔,
身型也脹了幾個碼,不說那是他可能真的認不出來⋯⋯ 歲月催人呀。


I will miss this Joey Jordison… 祝肥大叔找到他的新路向!

1 則評論在 Joey Jordison離開了Slipknot以後.

